Managed Security Services

As a Managed Security Services provider, ORASYSID offers a complete range of cybersecurity solutions: from analysis of security issues to development of information security management systems, from cyber security monitoring to the implementation of real-time security intelligence and support of complex information security systems. We provide all-around protection of sensitive data, optimize risk management programs, and ensure business continuity.

Some of the other significant benefits that come from ORASYSID’s support is that it can conduct vulnerability and penetration testing, perform regular security scans and undertake other security management functions for the enterprise, freeing up the enterprise IT to focus on security program oversight and other activities that further the goals of the business.

Security Monitoring and Security Information and Event Management – Effectively monitor the security of IT environments to identify, analyze and respond to potential security threats in time.

Vulnerability Tracking and Management – Verify the security status of your IT environment with routine vulnerability scans.

Patch Management – Compile patch and vulnerability-related information from various sources, including vendor sites, security newsletters and vulnerability databases.

Compliance Management – Improve compliance with our assistance and identify and deploy best security practices and regulatory requirements.

IT risk management – Pro-actively manage open threats by controls, corrective actions and other measures to mitigate risks.

Business Continuity Management – Determine the maturity of your controls for Information Security & Business Continuity.