Orasys ID SA, the owner of the site, respecting from the date that was established until today, the personal data information that is provided , has established procedures and rules that  will  certify  that  the  processing  of  the  personal  data  that  is  collected,  is  performed  with confidentiality, transparency and respect.

Our goal is to continue the relationship of trust with existing and new users /visitors / friends, in compliance  with  the  General  Data  Protection  Regulation  2016/647  and  using  all  the  security measures that will ensure a clear and reliable basis.

This privacy policy is intended to inform visitors / users of our site about the type of information we collect, the reasons we collect it and their rights according to the new regulation.

What type of personal data is collected?

The processing operations are limited to the fulfillment of specific required by the sender acts

and the data collected is the most necessary. The personal data we collect concerns:

– Personal contact information (name, e-mail, contact numbers, address)

– Curriculum vitae (if voluntarily sent for possible future job openings in our company, which remains in our database for up to five years from the date of receival)

– Information necessary in order to be able to send a quote request

– Any other personal information that is voluntarily given to us and concerns a question, an update or a request

The transmission of personal data by minors is forbidden. Any information related to a minor user requires the prior consent of the parents / guardians.

Why is personal data collected?

The collection of personal data is only in order to provide us the means to communicate with the sender.  Orasys  ID  SA  will  not  sell  or  otherwise  transmit  or  disclose  personally  identifiable information of the visitors / users of this site to third unrelated parties without the consent of the visitor / user , with the exception of compliance to legal dictates and to the relevant authorities only. Orasys ID SA may process part or all of the data sent by visitors / users for statistical purposes in order to improve its services.

How long is the personal date retained for?

Data will only be retained for the time necessary to achieve its processing purposes and with due respect to the applicable legal framework, unless a deletion date is specified.

Security of data collected?

Orasys ID SA takes all the necessary technical and organizational measures in order to protect the collected data using all the means that the company has access to up to this date. We try to continuously improve these means and upgrade our systems in order to provide the maximum security of any information we receive. If we detect any malicious action / incidental violation, we will take immediate actions and report it to the proper Authorities.

What are your rights concerning your personal data?

You have the right to access, the right to correct (if you identify inaccuracies or omissions), the right to require data transfer and the right to require deletion (provided that it’s not retained for any legitimate and stated purpose).


Upon entering this site and by voluntarily granting your personal data, you grant us your consent to collect and process it in accordance with the terms hereof.

Amendments to Privacy Policy

Any amendment to this Privacy Policy , in accordance with the current regulations, will be posted in a revised version. The date of the last update will be posted. Consequently, these privacy terms may be updated at any time and without notice. Users of the site are kindly requested to check these terms regularly for any changes, as the continued use of the site implies acceptance of any possible modifications to the terms.

Contact Info

At your disposal for any clarifications or to answer to any questions.